Saturday, 8 October 2011

Your face...

... ends at your boobs.  Not at your chin.  Really people, I can't stress this enough.

Because I am a deep person who is not superficial in any manner, skincare rates high on my list of priorities.  Several years ago I stood in David Jones, trying to find a foundation that would cover my red, blotchy, itchy skin, and something finally clicked in my head - if I just took better care of my skin, I wouldn't need a thick, paint like foundation.

With the very sensitive skin of a pale girl, I have a strict routine.  Each morning I start with a few drops of Rosehip Oil, which also, when given a few minutes to sink in, acts as a base for my mineral foundation.  At night, I alternate between Cetaphil, and a random French hydroxy acid exfoliator.  Whatever I'm using, I start at my chin, work up to the my t-zone and do a quick swipe over my cheeks.  Then it's down my neck, and over my chest.  This followed by Rosehip Oil, again starting at the forehead and ending at my chest.

On the subject of Rosehip Oil, I've used many, many brands, and I can without a doubt recommend A'kin Roseship Oil.  Be prepared though, if applying it before bed time, that you will stain pillows due to the golden yellow oil. 

Face masks happen once a week - and indeed as a write this, I'm wearing my preferred face mask, again, from my forehead to my chest.  I discovered Freeman's Pineapple Enzyme Facial Mask via the Vogue Forum, and for the princely sum of something like $11, it's an amazing buy.  It makes my skin radiant, and I find the longer I leave it on, the smoother my complexion is.

And there's the other stuff I'm passionate about, the staying out of the sun and the drinking  litres of water, the eight hours sleep and the not eating crap, but I will bore you all with that on another day. To recap - however you take care of your face, extend it down to your chest.  Do you want to look like Donatella Versace?  Well, do you?

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